Thursday, April 20, 2017

Let's get deep

I know I haven't posted in the past few days and I promise I have a very good reason. There's a show trending throughout different social media sights. The show? Thirteen reasons why. This post is for anyone who knows how it feels to be the victim and for the all the abusers, users, bullies, what have you.

     To the abusers, users, bullies, ect. Why? What is the joy you feel from the people you push, hit, curse, and lie to? Is this something you truly enjoy? Do you do it to look cooler? Does it make you feel tough and big? What did that person ever do to you to make you want to knock them down? Do you even bother asking yourself how would it feel if you were the kid who just got made fun of? Do you even know that person? It's so sad that nine out of ten of Bully personality people just don't care. They hurt people just to hurt them. Were you picked on before? Are you having struggles at home? Here's an idea don't take it out on others. What world do we live in that we feed of the smaller persons fear. Just a thought for all of you.

       Victims, please and I beg you get help. Whether you confide in a friend, a teacher, just anyone please get help. You are not alone in this fight there are so many others out there hurting and are wounded seek each other out help one another build yourselves up and overcome. Today in the world we live in it seems that the color of your skin, your sexual preference, religion, etc can make you a target. Don't let the things that define you as a God made creation be your weakness. Don't let them use it against you. Be proud of who you are. When they push you down jump back up and overcome. Seek out help before it's too late. Don't let them take your happiness. And if you do feel the urge to self harm, or feel depressed, or even decide you don't want this life anymore please seek out someone. Seek out Jesus,Your church,Your coach, your friend, your family, your teacher, your local counselor or therapist, anyone you can talk to about it and I can guarantee you'll find a reason to stay with us. Don't wait. Stay. 

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